I am truly sorry. I needed time for myself. I'm still alive, okay?
I have a lot to say, and I don't think I can put them all in one post because you'd be bored to death with nothing but words.
These days, I haven't been able to rest unless I cry myself to sleep and then I wake up really tired and empty. I feel really sad. I also have a physical diary where I write everything and it calms me down to know that I'm getting better as the days go by. I still cry every night, though. But, I know I'll be fine.
Max Lucado
I had followed him in twitter for the longest time. He released a new book entitled: Anxious For Nothing
If you want to purchase this book, link is here.
I was feeling empty for the longest time, and I was worrying about every single day, with my prayer begging God for help, or maybe, the permission to restart my life. I want to go back to square one.
I wanted to read this book, maybe get a little amount of hope so I can continue living because everyday is a battle. It's not available physically where I am, so I can't order it. So, I posted on twitter how I wanted to read the book. I used the hashtags: #AnxiousForNothing and tagged @MaxLucado, hoping he would notice me. Apparently, someone else did.
Why would someone notice this post of mine? I sent her an e-mail, not expecting anything anymore since we lived on opposite sides on earth. I was just so thankful that she had noticed my tears. We have been keeping in touch, and she encourages me a lot. She told me her story. As of now, I'm happily waiting for the book. It should arrive between February 19th to March 9th.
I'm happy as I was sending her a letter of thanks. It just proves that the world is small, yet big. Are you on the same page as me? I can't explain it. I hope I can live with a peace of mind. I've been reading the bible every night, and I want to know more about it. I want to understand it more. I know He has the answer to everything.
Pray for me, will you?
My name is DANA.
My dream is to travel the world and bring happiness to everyone I meet. To everyone reading this, I pray you are not hurting. Hold on, please.
Let us be friends on Faceboook, Twitter, Instagram.
Oooh an international pen pal! Well, if we flip the script to the eyes of the author here on the other side of the world. IF we had an avid reader of our works from a small country in Southeast Asia that fondly liked our works, shoooot, it makes us feel good, I mean dang, someone from the other side of the world noticed AND liked something we made. Okay, now because of you, I might check out Mr. Lucado for myself. Here's hoping for an Audible version!