Wednesday, January 3, 2018

My Hopes For Today

Day 3 of 365

Breathing is so hard these days. But, it can't be that way forever. I texted one of the people who gave me a book last year. He replied saying he couldn't remember me so I need to give out clues. I did and he replied, "Ah, now I remember. I had a word for you. The pretty girl!!" I smiled. I was happy. It was for a brief moment, I became happy, though he had forgotten for a moment. At least he remembered eventually, right?

You want to know what his words to me were? We were talking about nations and missions then he gave me a book about THE NINE GIFTS OF THE HOLY SPIRIT Volume 1 & 2. It was from Derek Prince. If you guys want to check about this more, just visit their website:

Derek Prince Ministries

I was happy I had a connection to him. I felt like this was also a puzzle piece. He gave me the book, and before I completely left, he called out to me and said he got an impression from God saying I will be travelling all over the world to encourage other people. Please also note that I have not said anything about myself being a missionary or my dreams of travelling. Guess what? I cried. In broad daylight, as people left the building. I was at the entrance. He prayed for me. He prayed and asked God to give me the gift of healing. THIS WAS SOMETHING I ALWAYS PRAYED FOR! I was happy. I was really, really happy.

Then I went out to do some other errands. I guess today wasn't that bad. It might end with a happy ending after all. I got home and started to listen to music as I feel empty. Then I cried. At least I only cried once today. #AchievementUnlocked. I hope that there will come days where I don't cry at all. The reason I cried? I remember memories that hurt me because of ONE OK ROCK's Heartache. Lines were piercing me through such as: "Yeah, I wish that I could do it again." "Turning back the time." It hurts. Then, I felt empty as tears run dry. I hope that someday, I can look back on my past as a happy memory. I hope that when I travel the world someday, I can encourage other people through my stories. I pray that someday, people do not hurt and smile. I pray that someday, everything will be okay.

I am okay right now. And I will change the title of this post. It was originally "Crippling Anxiety", but when I thought back, not everything that happened today rendered me hopeless. There were things I have done, there were thoughts I pondered upon. There were plans I created to become better.

To anyone who has read this, I pray that you are not hurting or crying. I don't know your circumstances but I will be friend.

Please live and smile,


Hello, friends. You can call me Dana. I hope that you are not hurting today. If you are, I pray for your safety. You've done well to endure this far. Please keep living. Have a cup of coffee with me, I will be your friend.

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