"If the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed." - John 8:36June 23, 2018
I was invited to a Deliverance conference. I have been in a season of isolation of healing and restoration and I wanted to be fully delivered, so I came along.
What should I say?
Should I cut to the chase? I think no. I got delivered there - along with the other people who attended. It was headed by Pastor Hiram G. Pangilinan, Senior Pastor of Church So Blessed International. He talked about Deliverance.
Believers can be demonized too, did you know that? There are two authentic beings that don't discriminate.
One is the enemy. He doesn't care whether you are a believer or not.
"For a number of years, I questioned this, but I am now convinced it can occur. If a "ground of entrance" has been granted, the power of darkness (such as trafficking in the occult, a continual unforgiving spirit, a habitual state of carnality, etc.), the demon(s) sees this as a green light - okay to proceed. Wicked forces are not discriminating about which body they inhabit. I have worked personally with troubled, anguished Christians for many years. On a few occasions, I have assisted in the painful process of relieving them of demons." - Chuck Swindoll, Stress FracturesThere were a few events believers are demonized. King Saul (1 Samuel 9-31) and Simon the Sorcerer (Acts 8:13, 22-23). There are many others (read your Bible!)
The second being is none other than God, our Abba.
"There is neither Jew nor Gree, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus." - Galatians 3:28
God heals. He can heal anyone. He hears anyone who calls on His Name. For instance, I was delivered from the spirit of unforgiveness and the spirit of anger. I thought I moved on. I was bullied and suffered trauma from my past. I've resisted new relationships and isolated myself so that I won't get hurt. I put up a lot of walls to "protect" myself. Little did I know, I was already poisoning myself from the inside out. By the grace of God, one of the ushers from the event went up to me. I was prevented by the enemy to speak. I was unable to say, "Spirit of anger, I cast you out. I don't want you anymore.". The usher walked up to me and said, "I send you God's peace." Afterwards, I somehow calmed down and was able to breathe. Then, he started to say, "I see you - spirit of unforgiveness, come out. You have been exposed." Then, I heard a myself shouting very loudly. I was crying and sweating so hard. Then, the usher said, "Oh, thank you God. I send you His peace."
After the session was over, I felt really light. I was full of joy and gratefulness and peace. Now, I share it to you who have read this.
I'm praying for you. May God send you peace and joy and love like you have never felt before. I speak life and blessings. The enemy has already lost. I cast them out in Jesus' name! I pierce them with the Sword of God. I strike you with the lightning from Heaven.
Guys, God has already won! There is no reason to be afraid. Come to God, He is excited for you. Trust His process. There is no need to be ashamed! You are safe with God. He will heal you - spiritually, financially, emotionally! If you are hurting and broken somewhere, God can and will heal you! He is waiting for you! I do pray that you meet with Jesus tonight.
I do apologize this post was short. I will tell more about it when the time comes. As of now, If you need someone to pray with you, I am here! Connect with me on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Until then, be kind to yourself and it will all be worth it. Smile!
Here's a song for you!
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