Sunday, April 8, 2018

A Letter to YOU

Dear Beloved,

Hello. How are you doing today?

Did you have a good night's sleep? Please take a few more moments to close your eyes if you need more rest. Don't skip your meals and stay hydrated. We're so far away from each other so this is the only way I can take care of you.

Are you heading out to work? or.. how's school? Do you have any recent projects? Did you finally find something you want to do? I know you have a lot going on right now. Please know that I support you. You've been dreaming a lot ever since you can. I know you have the power to achieve them. I know you can do it. I believe in you.

Right now, I know it feels so hard to breathe. You might even be asking, "God, why me?". I'm so sorry you have to struggle alone. I'm so sorry you feel so discouraged. I'm so sorry that everything might seem to be against you. You're not alone. I'm your friend, remember? I'm always here, cheering you on. Even though we live in different places, having meals at different times, following our dreams on different paths, please never forget me. I will always be your friend. I pray that today you're not hurting anywhere.

It's okay to be not okay, remember? You can cry - it doesn't mean you're weak. You can stop everything and breathe. But, don't stay down. Remember me, and remember that I'm here giving you a push so you don't stay down. I know it's hard. It's okay. I'm here.

Every time before I go to sleep, I think of you. Did you eat? Did you have a good day? Are you crying right now? I hope not. If you are, don't forget that I am your friend and that I care for you. I know you're in a bad spot and that it looks like it'll be the end. Please close your eyes. Breathe. I pray that you feel better soon so we could hang out.

Why aren't you replying? I worry about you. Don't think that your struggles are unimportant. Give me a call and I'll run over to you as fast as I can. We're friends after all, right? You'll be alright one day. Maybe not today, but I hope that in the future, you can look back with a smile on your face and say you're glad it worked out in the end.

You're not sensitive, you are not stupid, and definitely not naive. It's not your fault. Hard to believe, yes? Trust me - this is the truth. I don't know what you're up to these days, but please keep on holding on. It's not just me. There are a lot of people who love you and support you. We're always here for you. Don't disappear on me one day. I will miss you a lot if that happens.

I know that sometimes you may think that no one cares. Be patient with yourself. God loves you and so do I. Don't be so hard on yourself. Despite everything, you're still here - breathing and alive. Thank you for keeping your life. Remember your dreams. Back when you were still a kid. Chase your dreams. I'll give you all of my support, whether it be becoming a rock star or a scientist. Don't let others define those dreams for you. You define it for yourself.

Remember when I told you that you have the most wonderful eyes? It still remains true to this day. Your eyes show the most life. It shows me how you want to keep on going. Thank you for being strong always. You are awesome. I don't want to lose you because of that. It's going to be okay. We all love you. People always grow. It's okay to not be perfect. It's okay to be sad. Stay alive, feed yourself well, wear comfortable clothes, don't give up on yourself. It'll get better, I promise.

It's okay to pause and breathe. Do the things you want. Society will say anything anyway. Know that I won't. I will support you - no matter where I am. Also, be kind to your body. I know might take time, but please, take care of yourself. Be good to yourself, okay? There is something good every day, are you still writing that down in your diary? Look for one positive thought. I, for one, am your friend. Know that I love you and I care for you. Don't blame yourself for being sad. We're all humans, after all. There are days where we shine as bright as the sun and there are days we just want to go the dark and never go out. We all fail. but, it doesn't mean we are worthless, right? You and I are good enough - there are people who know that. You don't have to be happy all the time. Life isn't supposed to be a joy ride every single time. It's okay to feel nervous and anxious. All of these bad moments, let them be a part of a page in your story - don't let it be an entire book, okay?

Dear, healing doesn't happen overnight. It takes time. For some, it might take months. For you, it might take weeks or even years. It doesn't matter. What matters is you're here - and that you are healing. Also, when every day is a battle, it's okay to lose some days and retreat. Please hold on. You are incredible. I know you can succeed. Thank you for always being so strong that sometimes the world does not even see. I'm proud of you and I love you.

Time flies by so fast, right? I hope you feel encouraged, even for a little with my letter. I hope that we can see each other soon. Let's laugh and cry and do crazy stuff like we used to. Let's be happy and sad. I will be here for you. Stay strong. Breathe. Keep on living. Remember, I am your friend.

I'll be writing to you again soon. Stay healthy and well!

I love you,


(P.S. If you need me, I'm one chat away on TwitterInstagram, and Faceboook)

Friday, April 6, 2018


If you know anyone suffering from Depression and/or other Mental Health disabilities, PLEASE, direct them to Natasha Goulbourn Foundation.

To those who are in emotional crisis and in need of immediate assistance, please contact
the 24/7 HOPELINE at:

(02) 804-HOPE (4673)
0917 558 HOPE (4673)
2919 (toll-free number for all GLOBE and TM subscribers)
(Please note that these numbers are only available inside the Philippines. If you are in another location and are feeling suicidal, PLEASE, call any of the following numbers listed in this link.)

Depression is real. It's not just an emo phase or a mood swing. Stop telling people to get over it, or that it'll just go away. Be one of the reasons they stay. Don't shrug it off.

According to the World Health Organization, it is the leading cause of disability worldwide, and is a major contributor to the overall global burden of disease. Globally, there are more than 300 million people of all ages that suffer from depression, that, if not treated, could even lead to suicide – the second leading cause of death among 15 to 29 years old around the world in 2015.

Please, just please. Listen to them. If they show any signs, please offer them support. Show them love. Give them a hug. Tell them it's not their fault. That they are worth it. That it's going to be okay.


If you need someone to talk to, I will be your friend. Reach me at FacebookTwitter, or Instagram.

We'll get through this. TOGETHER. I pray that you are not hurting.

Stay strong,